جنزير صلب للرفع و التحميل |
توفر شركة عبد السلام ابراهيم الجنزير الصلب المدموغ لرفع و تحميل الأشياء الثقيلة و عمل صبانى الجنزير المتعدد الأطراف لرفع الأحمال فهو جنزير صلب عالي الصلابة كما يستخدم فى روافع الجنزير مثل البلانك جنزير و راتش شداد جنزير الصلب
يطلق عليه ايضا : جنزير مدموغ - جنزير صلب - جنزير بلانك - جنزير عالي الصلابة
يطلق عليه ايضا : جنزير مدموغ - جنزير صلب - جنزير بلانك - جنزير عالي الصلابة
Grade 8 Lifting Chain is manufactured from alloy steel and complies fully with EN818-2
chain fully compliant with all aspects of EN818-2 can be used in chain slings certified to EN818-4, Grade 8 lifting chain is proof load tested to 2.5 times working load limit and is supplied in a black painted finish,Grade 80 lifting chain is most common type for lifting, it must meet standard according to EN818-2, Grade 80 lifting chain can be assembled into chain sling with grade 80 rigging components like eye sling hook, clevis sling hook, self-locking hook, grab hook, etc.
chain fully compliant with all aspects of EN818-2 can be used in chain slings certified to EN818-4, Grade 8 lifting chain is proof load tested to 2.5 times working load limit and is supplied in a black painted finish,Grade 80 lifting chain is most common type for lifting, it must meet standard according to EN818-2, Grade 80 lifting chain can be assembled into chain sling with grade 80 rigging components like eye sling hook, clevis sling hook, self-locking hook, grab hook, etc.
Grade 8 Lifting Chain EN818-2
Alloy Grade 80 chain and attachments are produced to exceed the rigorous requirements of overhead lifting. Alloy chain and attachments offer a design strength and elongation surpassing the National Association of Chain Manufacturers specifications, as shown in the following charts. Great care has been exercised in selecting the chemistry for the forged fittings and wire used to manufacture our attachments and chain. In addition we employ induction heat treating to our chain to maximize its strength and increase the elongation characteristics. The alloy chain is manufactured on sophisticated, state-of-the-art equipment. The chain is inspected and tested throughout the manufacturing process to ensure quality and performance.
Grade 8 lifting chain is a sort of short link welded chain manufactured to meet the European standard EN 818-2. The grade 8 lifting chain is also called grade 80 lifting chain. It is of medium tolerance for use in chain slings and for general lifting purposes. The chain is heat treated and complying with the general conditions of acceptance. We offer the range of nominal sizes of chain is from 4 mm to 45 mm. In addition to standard specifications, non-standard specifications also are available. The chain provided are produced by Chinese top factories, quality-guaranteed.
Excepting for the grade 8 lifting chain complying with EN 818-2, ASTM grade 80 chain, 100 chain available, too. Please contact us for more information about lifting chains.
Excepting for the grade 8 lifting chain complying with EN 818-2, ASTM grade 80 chain, 100 chain available, too. Please contact us for more information about lifting chains.
When the chain is subjected to alternating loads and impact loads such as torsion and bending, its surface layer is subjected to higher stress than the core. In the case of friction, the surface layer is continuously worn, so that some chain surface layers are required to have high strength, high hardness, high wear resistance and high fatigue limit, and only surface strengthening can meet the above requirements. The chain produced by our company has the advantages of quenching and tempering on the surface of the chain, which has the advantages of small deformation and high productivity.
سلك واير صلب|روافع الجنزير|جنزير صلب| صباني واير| لجز جنزير| صباني حرير|ترصيص واير|بلانكو جنزير| راتشة جنزير|بكارات| واير قماش
عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي ( محمد حبشي الزكي ) - رقم 6 شارع الحاتمي - بالقرب من قسم شرطة مينا البصل - الأسكندرية - مصر
الموبايل : 01222173114 - 01154001702 - 01154001701 - 00201154001700
Web Site : Www.ElzekkiWire.Com |Email : Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com
عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي ( محمد حبشي الزكي ) - رقم 6 شارع الحاتمي - بالقرب من قسم شرطة مينا البصل - الأسكندرية - مصر
الموبايل : 01222173114 - 01154001702 - 01154001701 - 00201154001700
Web Site : Www.ElzekkiWire.Com |Email : Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com
ELZEKKIWIRE For Trade Steel Wire Rope And Lifting Equipment's.
Steel Wire Rope - Steel Wire Rope Sling - Steel Wire Rope Hydraulic Pressing Machine - Wire Rope Hoist - Aluminum Ferrules - Stainless Steel Rigging - Load & Lifting Chain - Flat Webbing Slings - Steel Chain Sling - Chain Block - Lever Hoist Lifting Clamps - Ratchet Straps - Cargo Lashing - Snatch Blocks - Shackles - Hooks - Ropes.
For More Information You Can Contact Us By Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com Or Call Us At +201154001700 - +201222173114
Steel Wire Rope - Steel Wire Rope Sling - Steel Wire Rope Hydraulic Pressing Machine - Wire Rope Hoist - Aluminum Ferrules - Stainless Steel Rigging - Load & Lifting Chain - Flat Webbing Slings - Steel Chain Sling - Chain Block - Lever Hoist Lifting Clamps - Ratchet Straps - Cargo Lashing - Snatch Blocks - Shackles - Hooks - Ropes.
For More Information You Can Contact Us By Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com Or Call Us At +201154001700 - +201222173114