حبال صلب و سلك واير قلب صلب 19*6 |
سلك واير و حبال صلب قلب صلب ذات تصنيف 19*6 و يتكون هذا النوع من الحبال الصلب بتكوين مضاد للتأكل حيث يتكون من 6 جدلات من الواير المجدول تتكون الواحده منها من 19 من اسلاك الواير المجدول الصلب يتميز هذا النوع من الوايرات الصلب بأنه أكثر مقاومة للتآكل والضغط
6×19 Steel Core Steel Wire Rope
6x19 wire core steel rope construction is made up of 7 strands of 19 wires allowing it to provide the perfect combination of strength and flexibility. Whilst it is slightly stiffer than a 6×19 construction wire rope, it has increased resistance to crushing and is also less likely to deform when running around sheaves. 6x19 construction wire rope is available with either IWRC (Steel core) . This rope is very popular in diameters from 3mm to 16mm and is used on a variety of applications. 6x19 is very flexible in diameters 3mm to 6mm and is used for many requirements where wire ropes are running over pulleys. |
6X19+IWRC With Steel Core
لمزيد من الامان والسلامة هذا النوع من منتجات الحبال الصلب يجري صناعتها وفقا لتوصيات المواصفات القياسية العالمية
For More Safety And Security This Type Of Steel Wire Products Are Manufactured According To The Recommendations Of International Standards : DIN 3060, EN 12385-4, ISO 2408
STEEL WIRE ROPE 6X19+IWRC Specifications
#ELZEKKWIRE 6x19 Steel Wire Rope With Steel Core
6x19 wire core steel rope construction is made up of 7 strands of 19 wires allowing it to provide the perfect combination of strength and flexibility. Whilst it is slightly stiffer than a 6×19 construction wire rope, it has increased resistance to crushing and is also less likely to deform when running around sheaves. 6x19 construction wire rope is available with either IWRC (Steel core) . This rope is very popular used on a variety of applications. 6x19 is very flexible in diameters 3mm to 6mm and is used for many requirements where wire ropes are running over pulleys. This Wire rope in this construction are the most flexible typically the 3mm-6mm. The 7×19 is most commonly used with pulleys but also in a wide range of other applications including:- Garage door cables, gym equipment, control cables, wind turbines, wire-rope slings, whip checks, winch ropes and general engineering applications. Also available in thereat black for if you need a more unobtrusive looking wire, perhaps on stage sets.
6x19 wire core steel rope construction is made up of 7 strands of 19 wires allowing it to provide the perfect combination of strength and flexibility. Whilst it is slightly stiffer than a 6×19 construction wire rope, it has increased resistance to crushing and is also less likely to deform when running around sheaves. 6x19 construction wire rope is available with either IWRC (Steel core) . This rope is very popular used on a variety of applications. 6x19 is very flexible in diameters 3mm to 6mm and is used for many requirements where wire ropes are running over pulleys. This Wire rope in this construction are the most flexible typically the 3mm-6mm. The 7×19 is most commonly used with pulleys but also in a wide range of other applications including:- Garage door cables, gym equipment, control cables, wind turbines, wire-rope slings, whip checks, winch ropes and general engineering applications. Also available in thereat black for if you need a more unobtrusive looking wire, perhaps on stage sets.
سلك واير صلب|روافع الجنزير|جنزير صلب| صباني واير| لجز جنزير| صباني حرير|ترصيص واير|بلانكو جنزير| راتشة جنزير|بكارات| واير قماش
شركة عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي ( محمد حبشي الزكي ) - رقم 6 شارع الحاتمي - بالقرب من قسم شرطة مينا البصل - الأسكندرية - مصر
الموبايل : 01222173114 - 01154001702 - 01154001701 - 00201154001700
Web Site : Www.ElzekkiWire.Com |Email : Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com
شركة عبد السلام ابراهيم الزكي ( محمد حبشي الزكي ) - رقم 6 شارع الحاتمي - بالقرب من قسم شرطة مينا البصل - الأسكندرية - مصر
الموبايل : 01222173114 - 01154001702 - 01154001701 - 00201154001700
Web Site : Www.ElzekkiWire.Com |Email : Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com
ELZEKKIWIRE For Trade Steel Wire Rope And Lifting Equipment's.
Steel Wire Rope - Steel Wire Rope Sling - Steel Wire Rope Hydraulic Pressing Machine - Wire Rope Hoist - Aluminum Ferrules - Stainless Steel Rigging - Load & Lifting Chain - Flat Webbing Slings - Steel Chain Sling - Chain Block - Lever Hoist Lifting Clamps - Ratchet Straps - Cargo Lashing - Snatch Blocks - Shackles - Hooks - Ropes.
For More Information You Can Contact Us By Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com Or Call Us At +201154001700 - +201222173114
Steel Wire Rope - Steel Wire Rope Sling - Steel Wire Rope Hydraulic Pressing Machine - Wire Rope Hoist - Aluminum Ferrules - Stainless Steel Rigging - Load & Lifting Chain - Flat Webbing Slings - Steel Chain Sling - Chain Block - Lever Hoist Lifting Clamps - Ratchet Straps - Cargo Lashing - Snatch Blocks - Shackles - Hooks - Ropes.
For More Information You Can Contact Us By Elzekki.Wire@Gmail.Com Or Call Us At +201154001700 - +201222173114